Parent & Student Handbook

Welcome to Casselberry Elementary School!  We are a Leader in Me School and are dedicated to the success of EVERY child. We believe that a partnership between school, community, and family will enable our school to provide a positive, motivating, and safe environment for all of our students. We strive to develop the full potential of each child; equipping them with the skills necessary to take confident steps toward the future. We know that when we work together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of our students. We support and encourage our parents to become an integral part of our school team. There are many opportunities for parental involvement at Casselberry such as helping teachers in and out of their classrooms, working with students, serving on committees and chaperoning field trips. These are just a few of the ways you might want to become involved in your child’s education. Please consider joining and becoming active in our PTSA and/or our School Advisory Committee (SAC).

We are looking forward to another successful school year and would like to extend an invitation to you to stop by the school to discuss any suggestions and/or recommendations for helping to make our school the very best it can be.


Casselberry Faculty and Staff

SCHOOL HOURS: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  ALL VISITORS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK IN THROUGH THE FRONT OFFICE WITH YOUR PHOTO ID TO RECEIVE A VISITOR'S BADGE. When arriving at school or after breakfast, all children will proceed to their designated holding areas. They are as follows: Kindergarten is in the P Wing. First Grade and Second Grade are in the Media Center, Third and Fourth Grade are in the Cafeteria, and Fifth Grade is in the Music room. Students may enter the classrooms at 8:30 a.m. and are tardy after 8:35 a.m. For safety reasons, we ask that parents leave campus by 8:35 a.m. Parents wishing to speak with a teacher will need to schedule a conference. You may call your child’s teacher and leave a voice message or email them. Daily communication may be handled by writing in the Student Planner. After 8:35 a.m., students who arrive late to school must be signed in by a parent in the front office. The front gates will remain locked at all times. For the safety of all students, parents are not permitted to walk children to class. Students should not arrive on campus prior to 8:05 a.m. unless they are enrolled in our KidZone & Beyond Program, as teachers and staff are not available for supervision until this time. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.  


A Security Card will be required for each student. On this card, the parent will provide a four-digit number or code that the school will use to identify the parent or other designated individuals in person or by phone. NO student will be allowed to leave the school with anyone other than the legal guardian unless that person is listed on the Security Card and has presented proper identification. Any student leaving school during the school day must be signed out through the office. For safety reasons, we do not allow students to sign themselves out, even if you have called and/or written a note. Students will not be called out of class early to wait in the front office to be picked up. All students must leave the school grounds by 3:20 p.m. unless they are staying for a school-related activity.  Students are dismissed at 3:00 p.m.  On Wednesday, dismissal is at 2:00.



Parent/teacher conferences are to be scheduled directly through the classroom teacher. Please contact your child’s teacher directly to schedule a conference. Teachers are not available for conferences between 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. unless special arrangements have been made. Information included in cumulative folders, grade books, and portfolios may be shared with a parent during a parent-teacher conference. We encourage parents to take an active interest in school activities and would like for you to visit the classrooms. However, a state law is in existence for the protection of your children that prohibits unauthorized entry to the classrooms.


Neither Casselberry Elementary School nor its staff will be held responsible and/or liable for damage to a bicycle brought to school. All bike riders must wear protective headgear and bikes should be locked with a combination or a key lock during the day at one of the bike racks on campus.


Maintaining an instructional focus and providing a safe environment are top priorities at Casselberry Elementary School. In order to provide the best environment for all students, classroom interruptions are not permitted. Students will not be allowed to take phone calls from parents during the regular school day (8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.). Please remember to make sure your student has money or a lunch for the day.


Please feel free to call Casselberry Phone Line to receive the following information:

STAFF – last name           press #1

Cafeteria                         press #2 (lunch menu)

Clinic                              press #5

PTSA                              press #7

KidZone & Beyond           press #8


Parents are asked to report their child’s absence using one of these convenient methods:

  1. SchoolMessenger App – Select Attendance – Report an Absence
  3. Call 1-877-491-2703

These options are available 24/7. Future absences can be reported at any time.

In addition, SchoolMessenger will automatically contact parents whose child is absent when the absence is not reported in advance. The parent will be able to respond with the reason for the absence.

Absences will be excused for reasons of illness, a death in the immediate family, and/or other serious events beyond the student or family's control. If a reason is not received or absences become excessive, the student will be given an unexcused absence for the day and a doctor’s note may be required. Parents are in violation of the law (1001.41, 1001.42, F.S.) if students are kept out of school for something other than an excused absence. Tardiness and early departures deprive students of important instructional time and excessive tardiness or early departures may accumulate to unexcused absences. Possible consequences for truancy are referrals to the School Social Worker and/or Law Enforcement. Children need to be present in order to learn.


Homework is assigned with a purpose; usually to enrich or reinforce classroom instruction. NO assignment should take more than thirty minutes in grades K-3. Homework in fourth and fifth grade may take longer and students should complete the work when assigned. The habits established during elementary school provide the necessary foundation for middle school. Most assignments are daily, however, on occasion, a home project requiring more time may be assigned. Once homework is assigned; it is checked, evaluated and then recorded as attempted/not attempted. Based on this evaluation, teachers can provide extra support. Each grade level will develop an explanation regarding the expectations and procedures for homework.  These procedures will be communicated to parents in writing, after administration approval. Homework is not to be graded.


For those students that are absent for two or more days, parents may contact the teacher to pick-up classroom assignments. This will help the student stay on schedule and not get behind with regard to instruction. Parents of students who are ill and will be out for an extended period of time should contact our guidance department for assistance in acquiring an application for the Hospital Homebound Program, which is available through the district.


Parents or legal guardians are allowed to review their child’s records. An appointment should be set up through the Guidance office for access to records. Prior notification of at least 24 hours is appreciated. Copies may be made for a charge of 15 cents per copy. If a non-custodial parent should not have access to his/her child's records, the school MUST be provided with legal documents. Both parents have equal access to school records, unless otherwise indicated by legal documents provided by the custodial parent/guardian.


All students will receive a planner at the beginning of the school year. Planners are used consistently in grades K-5. Please check your child’s planner every day.  Students can use their planners to keep track of their assignments. Planners are a great way for parents to communicate with their child’s teacher. Your child’s teacher will let you know how they use the planner. If your student loses or misplaces their planner, you may request a new one from the front office.


Casselberry offers breakfast for and lunch for FREE. Breakfast is served from 8:05 a.m. - 8:25 a.m. Students should be finished eating by 8:30 a.m. Lunch is scheduled by grade levels. A la carte is available for most grades, but elementary students are not allowed to choose a la carte, in lieu of a meal.  Each student has their own account with a number provided by the Food Service department.  Visit to create an account or add money to your child’s account.

Checks are accepted and should be made payable to Casselberry Elementary Dining Services. Any returned checks will revoke check-writing privileges. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Cafeteria Manager at 407-746-2552. If your child has a special health issue, we will need proper documentation on file. Casselberry Elementary provides a free or reduced breakfast and lunch if your child meets the district approved criteria. Apply at The cafeteria is unable to loan lunch money to students. Please make sure your child has a lunch or money to buy a lunch each day. Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child. We ask you to eat outside the cafeteria in the designated picnic areas after signing in at the front office.


A clinic assistant will be on duty to call parents when children become sick and are no longer able to remain at school. Please make every effort to pick up your child as soon as possible if they are ill. If your child tells you they do not feel well in the morning before school, please keep them at home, especially if they have a fever or are vomiting. Children should be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school. Every child needs an updated, completed emergency card on file in the clinic. Please keep the school informed of any changes with regard to phone numbers and/or address so we may contact you in case of an emergency. In order to reach you, please provide more than one working emergency contact. All medications require a signed authorization form. The only medications that can be carried and self-administered by elementary students are metered-dose inhalers, pancreatic enzymes, auto injectors of epinephrine, insulin and other injectable medications if authorized in writing by both the student's physician and parent/legal guardian. An Individual Health Care Plan will also be developed for students requiring these medications. All other medication (prescription or over the counter) may be administered by trained personnel upon completion of an authorization form. Please see front office for details. If prior arrangements have been made with the principal or her designee, a parent or guardian may go into the school to administer prescribed or over the counter medication to his/her child upon completion of a Seminole County Schools Student Medication Record. See Reopening Guidelines.


Our guidance counselor and behavior interventionist are available to help with any questions or concerns. They have knowledge of the many community agencies that may provide assistance to our students and their families. Casselberry has several ongoing developmental guidance and behavior programs that help students develop the ability to make positive choices, manage their behavior, and gain self-confidence. Our guidance and behavior programs are here for the benefit of all children. Please call 407-746-2530 for guidance assistance.


If it becomes necessary for you and your family to move, student records need to be prepared for transfer. All textbooks, library books and materials need to be returned to the school prior to a student’s last day. Please let your child’s teacher and the front office know by a letter or phone call at least three days in advance. When your child transfers to another school, the records will be mailed to your child's new school. Seminole County Public Schools does not allow parents or guardians to hand deliver school records. Please notify the school any time there is a change in your child's address or contact information.


School insurance is available for students during school hours or 24-hour coverage. We urge parents to take advantage of this offer at a minimal cost. It is accident and hospitalization insurance for students. This would be valuable coverage for your child particularly if you do not carry any other accident or hospitalization insurance. Insurance may be purchased at any time during the school year. Please inquire at the front office for a form.


Student achievement is a priority at Casselberry but we do allow our room parents to help with two parties during the year. These are held during the last week before winter vacation and during the last week of school. An opportunity for a Valentine exchange may also be provided. Birthday parties are not held at school. However, parents wishing to send cupcakes or cookies to celebrate a birthday may do so provided contact with the teacher has been made in advance. These items can be dropped off in the front office before 10:30 a.m. and the treats will be shared during lunch. Birthday invitations may be handed out and we encourage that one is given to each child in the class. Due to school policy & safety concerns, siblings are not permitted in classrooms during the school’s instructional day.


Seminole County Public Schools has a code of student conduct that is located on our school website. Parents will be notified of the grade level expectations and class rules. The Casselberry Code of Conduct falls within the SCPS district’s Student Conduct Code and does not constitute additional rules.

Casselberry Student Code of Conduct:

  1. Conduct on campus will be safe and orderly.
  2. Students will be respectful to adults and fellow students at all times.
  3. Students will conduct themselves in a clean and healthy manner while on the school grounds, i.e. restrooms.
  4. A pleasant lunchroom atmosphere consisting of appropriate behavior and proper eating habits will be maintained.
  5. Students will dress in uniforms, adhering to Casselberry’s current uniform policy (hats/caps, bandanas, and additional headwear including sunglasses, may be worn for outdoor activities only).
  6. Students will be in their classrooms prepared and ready to learn before the tardy bell rings at 8:35 a.m.
  7. Students will show pride in Casselberry Elementary facilities and instructional materials; destruction of school property will not be tolerated.


Students are allowed to bring cell phones and other electronic devices to school. However, all electronic devices should be turned off during the school day. Students are prohibited from using cell phones an devices, including smart watches, during school hours. Please do no call or text your child during the school day. If you need to speak to your child, please call the main office at 407-746-2550. Casselberry Elementary is not responsible for misplaced or broken electronic devices at school.



Casselberry Elementary School has an adopted uniform policy. Uniforms are a positive approach to promote a sense of school pride, respect and leadership. Our uniform code includes red, white, or black polo shirts with a collar and solid black or khaki pants, shorts, skirts, skorts or dresses. Navy blue is not one of our uniform colors. Students may wear jeans and a CBES t-shirt on Fridays or their regular uniform. Close-toed shoes (i.e. tennis shoes) are the safest form of footwear for our students as they attend recess every day and P.E. three days a week. Clogs, flip-flops, platform shoes, roller skate shoes, and backless shoes should not be worn. For safety reasons, no child is allowed to be barefoot on the school property.


No toys may be brought to school unless requested by the teacher. Pocketknives, toy guns, and any other dangerous toys or weapons are NOT to be brought to school. “Zero Tolerance” is a Seminole County Public Schools Policy, and Casselberry will not tolerate students bringing weapons of any kind on school grounds. Offenses of this nature may be grounds for suspension and/or expulsion. School policy states NO SKATEBOARDS OR SCOOTERS are allowed on school property. These items must be carried or walked while on school grounds. No animals may be brought to school, except by special arrangement. Animals used for instructional purposes may be brought by parents, upon the request of the teacher and returned home after the sharing activity.


The SCHOOL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (SAC) meets the first Tuesday of each month of the school year starting in September. This group of parents, community members and staff is involved in making decisions that affect the school. Meetings are open to the public and parental involvement is encouraged. If you would like additional information regarding SAC, please call 407-746-2550. PTSA general meetings are included on our school calendar. The PTSA Board meets the first Monday of each month. The PTSA Board meetings are closed to the public but minutes from the meetings are shared during the general meetings. PTSA is always looking for parents to help out during the school year. If you are interested in getting involved, please call 407-746-2561. School volunteers (Dividends) are always needed throughout the school year. If you are interested in helping out and/or becoming a volunteer at our school, please call 407-­746-2555 for assistance on how we can use your talents! All volunteers & chaperones have to register on-line at the district website before participating. Title I Parental Involvement Nights are scheduled periodically. Informational flyers will go home prior to each event along with supplemental communications. Please visit our website and Facebook page often for important updates.


Please contact your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns. Our teachers are always open and willing to meet with you should you have concerns and/or questions about your child’s academic or social development.  If you still have concerns after meeting with the teacher, contact the front office to schedule a conference with administration to resolve the issue.

Civility and Conduct of Parents and Visitors: Parents and other visitors are expected to treat teachers, school administrators, and other school staff with courtesy and respect. Any individual who displays disruptive behavior may be directed to leave the school premises by the principal or the principal’s designee.

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