Research shows that parent involvement in education is crucial. No matter their income or background, students with involved parents are more likely to have higher grades and test scores, attend school regularly, have better social skills, show improved behavior, and adapt well to school.
The Seminole County District Title I Program promotes the belief that all children can learn and acknowledges that parents share the schools' commitment to education success for all students. We recognize that positive parent/family engagement is essential to student achievement and we encourage parental involvement in school education planning and operations.
Casselberry Elementary is a Title I school.
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) supports reforms and innovations to improve educational opportunities for low income students. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), a reauthorization of ESEA, was signed into law on January 8, 2002 and represents the most significant changes to educational policy in over 35 years. In December 2015, President Obama signed into law the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) which again reauthorized ESEA.
ESSA includes provisions that broaden the definitions of educational excellence, while maintaining critical civil rights for all students. In addition, ESSA includes provisions designed to focus on providing students the diverse, integrated curriculum and learning experiences necessary for a well-rounded education. Title I, Part A of ESSA is designed to provide all children a significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.
*Please contact us at 407-746-2550 if you are in need of translation services for any information.*
Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) receives an annual entitlement allocation of federal dollars to provide resources to meet the purpose of Title I. Schools that have high percentages of children who qualify for free or reduced lunch receive an allocation, which is spent on resources to support the purpose of Title I and the goals of their School Improvement Plan. Part A funds must also be used to provide appropriate services to homeless children, children in local institutions for neglected children, and to ensure that private schools receive 'equitable' services.
Schools in Seminole County that receive Title I resources are: 16 elementary schools, two middle schools, two special centers, and five non-public schools under Part A. Part A funds are also used for tutoring at two shelters for homeless families, Eugene Gregory Consequences Center, and Girls and Boys.
Click on the link below to learn more about our most recent School Report Card from the 2018-19 school year.
FDOE School Report Card
Title I Materials
Please contact us at 407-746-2550 if you are in need of translation services for any information.
Current Administration:
Patricia May, Principal
Gary Lowe, Assistant Principal
Brittany Jacobs, School Administration Manager, Title I Liaison